Hemorrhagic dengue fever
According to the Center for Disease and Control website, dengue fever is caused by a serotype virus, one of several that causes hemorrhagic fever. Rodents, spiders, ticks or mosquitoes are the common vectors of this virus. However, a person-to-person transmission through sexual contact can occur.
It further states, "Hemorrhaging is attributed to the destruction of blood coagulating factors or to increased permeability of body tissues. The severity of bleeding ranges from petchiae, which are pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin surface to distinct bleeding from nose to vagina."
It added, "dengue hemorrhagic fever or DHF primarily affects children younger than 15 years. This is characterized by soar throat, runny nose, slight cough and a fever lasting for weeks or less. As the fever abates, the condition is worse and hemorrhaging occurs from the nose, gums and injection sites. Bleeding can be seen from the gastrointestinal, genitourinary and respiratory tracts. In addition to these, symptoms for adults include severe headaches, abdominal, joint and muscle pains, gastritis, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea."
As of this writing, I have not heard of a specific anti-viral medicine for DHF caused by serotypes. Herbal medicine that had been traditionally and scientifically validated was compiled by Dr. Leslie Taylor, author of The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs. Some herbal medicines indicated for hemorrhagic fever are embauba, guava, epazote, Brazilian peppertree, clavilla, erva tostao and scarlet bush. For dengue fever, the herbs are simarouba, jergon sacha, mullaca, chanca piedra, bitter melon, kalanchoe, guaco, scarlet bush and vassourinha.
My own study on the phytochemical properties of the mentioned herbs, mullaca (physalis angulata) or tino-tino, bitter melon (namordica charantia) or sampalia, the wild variety of ampalaya and guava (psidium guajava) or the wild guava bush are the most effective, economical and accessible DHF treatment for Filipinos.
For your herbal needs, please contact Margie at 3210969, Nena at 09193809208, Pet at09196677644 or Agustin at 09216646447.
For more information on herbal medicines, e-mail to bonllee@yahoo.com.