Coffee Thursdays
Tragedy of 25
It comes in mid 20's. Reflections after a few years of college graduation. The suicide of life's choices. Wanting so much of the world and grazing on feeble opportunities. No idea how to get there and dreams in limbo, making deals on the present situation.
It is said that people are born failures simply because they don't know what they want.
WANT- a big word with its pretense of falsity, synonymous with desire, ambiguous and beguiling.
How may people escaping the wrath of the day blaming the life not theirs?
How many people we know dwell on regrets of choices they made and get stuck with it?
How many people are dissatisfied with their daily routine?
The world is full of souls who ambled hopefully for something better. The little lives, frustrations and becoming slaves of the system.
The reckoning of the system: to work everyday, live and die the same way. A tragedy that we are born with. Just like everybody else, the fight remains futile to go against it.
And this is how we compromised.
Are we living the life we wanted?
The chatterbox in my head tells me: Work and Live with it.
A pessimist once said: I am a whimsical idealistic lost soul.
My sister's advice: You won't be successful when you're not happy.
My parents continually remind me: Sacrifices are worth it.
My friends' say: Live life fully.
I am drawn to think and consider: Are we doing at the moment our life purpose or propulsion?
We sit at the edge of our bed every night to think of our wants and failed to sleep with contentment. We wake up in the brisk sun and shelter to our workplace defining our sense of movement in a limited meaningless commotion. We eat the meals we can afford, meet the people we are obliged to see, and end the day just like any other days in the past years of our lifetime.
Lost is not a fair word to describe. Living does not give justice to Life. Compromise when we bend, but seems we are breaking ourselves.
If my age and strain of present thoughts is the dilemma of how I wanted my life. I am no different from people in the 30's or in their 60's. Owning a life they want more out of it and doing things they just have to do but not wanting it on their own.
Life as it is, is a battle field of realism and idealism, a victory between dreams and failures, a tug of wants and regrets.
As I sit here with my warm cup of coffee, I remembered Og Mandino's lines:
Never again clutter your days or nights with so many menial and unimportant things that you have no time to accept a real challenge when it comes along. This applies to play as well as work. A day merely survived is no cause for celebration. You are not here to fritter away your precious hours when you have the ability to accomplish so much by making a slight change in your routine. No more busy work. No more hiding from success.
Leave time, leave space, to grow. Now. Now! Not tomorrow!
And my question remains on our choices:
Is life controlling us? Or we control our own life?