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25. What's with this number? If you're an anniversary conscious then definitely 25 would mean a silver year.
So what's with the 25 again? Aside from a very good friend of mine who just turned 25 yesterday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Alvin!), this is when we celebrate Christmas every December right? Knowing that William McKinleywas the 25thpresident of the United States of America, that the 25thelement of the Periodic Table is Manganese and how about the letter Y in the English alphabet?
I just turned 25 last August 2 and it seemed everything's changed. Physically yes, emotionally, mentally and spiritually I turned more developed twenty five times.
It was 20 years ago when I first entered school carrying a big trolley and a water jug. When I was already in grade school, I received honors every end of the school year. My parents, who would pin the ribbon and would don the medal were all excited. I can't remember anymore if I did study well during those times because all I can reminisce now are the fun moments and the games I played during my grade school days.
The struggles in schooling continued as I entered high school. I needed to wake up early just to catch up with the first trip because my school was an hour away from our home. The four years I spent in high school were meaningful and enjoyable. I had friends to call my own and it was the time when I learned to love and to be loved for the first time. It was a stage of discovering the essence of love. Naks! High school was a very evocative part in my life.
If I were to describe my college days, I would describe it as a combination of stories you've seen in a drama series on TV. It was not that easy for me to enter college. There was a point when I needed to quit for a semester because my mother suffered a mild stroke. We needed to give up an expense and I sacrificed my five months of going to school. My Lola, who just died last January, was so persistent then to send me to college. She supported my college education to the best she could. Because of these, I motivated myself to finish my studies no matter what happen. College days shaped a very courageous power within me.
After four years of studying I thought the schooling ended there. But I was wrong because my destiny brought me to the place where I spent my days for almost 16 years. Simply in a place where there's a blackboard and pieces of chalks. Who would ever think that I will end up in school too? This time not as a student but the one who's educating young minds.
December 27 of last year, marked the silver wedding anniversary of my parents. I was shocked then when I knew about it. Honestly I really didn't have any idea that it was their 25thanniversary already. Anyway, we had a simple dinner to celebrate it but the bad thing was I didn't have any present for them. Hopefully I can make up with them next time but not for a silver celebration anymore.
Anyway, I just do hope 25 will not be the number of TFI in most colleges and educational institutions, that it would not be the percentage of the E-VAT, and (worst) that it would not be the Philippines' rank in all Asian countries in terms of economic growth and development. However, it will be not be that far 25 years after, what do you think?