Jaro barangay officials gird for Agro-Industrial Fair
Barangay Capt. Jonas Bellosillo, president of the Association of Barangay Captains (ABC) Jaro district, assured that Jaro Agro-Industrial and Charity Fair 2008 will submit a financial statement after the agro-industrial fair ends. The agro-fair starts on January 19, 2008. Last year, they gained some P100,000.
Bellosillo said they would continue to gain from the agro-fair. The affair may incur much expense and yet the group can still have some profit. They can also share their proceeds to number of recipients. There will be full accounting of the expenses, donations and income collected in the agro-fair, he said.
The ABC will divide the proceeds of the agro-fair to the number of recipients they have already identified. The holding of the Jaro Agro-Industrial and Charity Fair is part of the activity for the feast of Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (Our Lady of Candles) on February 2.
In yesterday's press conference, former Jaro ABC President Julieta Diamante accompanied Bellosillo. Diamante, who already graduated from her term as punong barangay was elected as barangay councilor. She is the honorary chair of the agro-fair and same time sits as member of the different committees.
He said the street children project of the association would receive bulk of the proceeds. All public schools in the district of Jaro, Jaro police precinct, City Social Welfare and Development, Jaro Health Center, City Fire Department and Crisis Center will also receive their share.
Meanwhile, Bellosillo said they would start to enclose the Jaro plaza for the agro-fair on January 25. Portion of the plaza will be occupied by the Iloilo Garden Club. The garden show will be for free. While, an entrance fee of P10 would be charged for those who want to enter the enclosed area.