Father and son celebrations

Monchit with his wife Ging and only child Joshua.
Roxas City Councilor Ramon "Monchit" Albar and only child Joshua Lance Martin or "Josh" both celebrated their birthdays this month of August. Held on separate occasions, their birthday parties were well-attended by their family, relatives, friends, classmates (for Josh) and colleagues in the city council (for Monchit). Wife Guisela "Ging" Albar made sure that their guests were feted to sumptuous food, drinks, and fun at Albar Beach Resort (which they own) at Culasi, Roxas City.
The family resort boasts of one big pool, Jacuzzi, and duplex houses. As venue for the fun celebrations, Josh celebrated his 10th birthday during the day with a swimming party and kiddies fare. A fifth-grader at St. Mary's Academy of Capiz, his classmates and friends surely had a fun time.
On the other hand, Monchit celebrated his 45th birthday at a later date with a dinner party that lasted late through the night. Well-liked by many, several well-wishers joined Monchit on his natal day. It was a great party with big laughs and cheers, what with Monchit's guests coming from different sectors: politics, business, and media.