White Gift Service: Sharing this Christmas

FCC executive officers and deans with
the adopted families of the college.
WHITE GIFT SERVICE is an annual Christmas Community Service Program of Filamer Christian College (FCC) extended to selected indigent families and groups coming from the extension-outreach barangays of the college.
This year's theme: "Kaadlawan ni Kristo, Kalipay Mo" signifies that the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is a great blessing to all of us. We can share Christ's blessings to the least of our brothers and sisters in need.
In this annual activity of the school, all pupils, students, faculty and staff from all departments share by giving goods or items such as used clothes, canned goods, noodles, rice, etc. These gifts will be distributed to indigent/needy families identified.

Dr. Rene Garrido, Rev. Webster Bedecir,
Dr. George Cortel, Dr. Expedito Seneres,
Dr. Matilde Perez, Dr. Lea Alayon
The White Gift Service is one simple way of sharing God's love this Christmas. For this year, 700 families and 50 pre-schoolers in five barangays in Roxas City, including 200 inmates at the provincial rehabilitation center, will receive white gifts from donor departments. The FCC NSTP-CWTS students will also have their own white gift distribution for 100 families and children in Sitio Kalubihan, Barangay Cagay, Roxas City.