RF Salditos holds exhibit in WVSU

WVSU VPAA Dr. Ramon Zarceno, Bishop
Gerry Alminasa, and (extreme left) Joy
The painting exhibit featuring the artworks of local artist RF Salditos was formally opened here in Iloilo recently at the West Visayas State University Rehearsal room.
The exhibit highlighted on the theme”Astronomical Lore and Legends About Celestial Bodies of the Tumandok”. It will showcase the artist’s entire sixty-five paintings and sculptures that depict the epics and legends of the ‘tumanduk’ in Panay.

'Binanog sa Bulan'.
The exhibit featuring the astronomical lore was held in line to the International Year of Astrology declared by International Astronomical Union.
Ateneo Professor Garry Devilles, an art critic and writer for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, gave a lecture on modern art and art appreciation in the morning preceding the opening ceremony in the afternoon.
It also sought to promote arts and upheld culture in the Ilonggo community. Likewise to serve as avenue for students and enthusiasts to be exposed to a rare art exhibit that will challenge creative and analytical thinking.
Present in the ribbon-cutting were Dr. Ramon Zarceno, vice president for administration and finance of WVSU, Ms. Joy Guiloreza, board secretary Fair Trade Foundation-Panay, and Bishop Gerry Alminasa, Auxilary Bishop of Archdiocese of Jaro.
The event was sponsored by the West Visayas State University and Fair Trade-Panay Incorporated in cooperation with WVSU Alumni Association, Inc. (WVSUAAI) and WVSU College of Mass Communications Student Council (CMCSC).