Sinamba sa Regatta

One of the colorful and exciting activities in relation to the Iloilo Paraw Regatta Festival is the Sinamba sa Regatta. It is a celebration of music and dance that was conceived as a special event that takes place after the take-off of the competing paraws so that spectators would be entertained.
This year, the competition was divided into two presentations. The first was held last February 18 and it comprised 70 percent of the judging while the second was last February 21. The winner was Grupo Fuerte Baile of the Fort San Pedro High School, which was choreographed by Romel Flogen and managed by Cresilda Floro.
Although the other groups had flare as well, it was the Grupo Fuerte Baile that had perfected their formation and had higher ratings in visual craftsmanship, ingenuity and visual impact. Their presentation was in accordance to the theme. Their inclusion of a bonfire, fireworks and revelers made it an authentic Mardi Gras celebration as well.
The second placer was Mesa Latinos of Mandurriao National High School and the third placer was Grupo del Oeste of West Visayas State University.