3 balot vendors maul, stab duo
It’s three against two.
While the odds for pals Robert Deluso, 31, and John Albert Panugot, 20, both of Ybiernas St., Iloilo City, seemed inequitable, they fought against three men who allegedly just mauled them for no apparent reason or cause.
But the odds of their winning the fight became even more remote after one of their three attackers used an ice pick during the fight.
Reports said that Deluso and Panugot were on their way home after sending off a friend at around 11:00 p.m. of Tuesday when they encountered a group of three balot vendors at the foot of the flyover at Gen. Luna St., Iloilo City.
The suspects then threw punches against them.
The two claimed that they fought back against the attackers, whom they only met the first time.
At the height of their fistfight, one of the suspects pulled an ice pick and stabbed the two victims.
Panugot sustained a lone stab wound on the back while Deluso suffered 3 stab injuries on his stomach.
Luckily, Police Station 1 investigator PO2 Jose Francis Sencil claimed that the victims bore no major injuries.
It was gathered that after stabbing the victims, the three suspects fled on foot.
Deluso and Panugot, on the other hand, were rushed to West Visayas State University Medical Center.
“According to them, they don’t the suspects. They could only identify them through their faces. They don’t even know that the suspects have weapons. That’s why they fought back at first,” Sencil said.
As such, police probers looked into the possibility that it was just a random act of violence.
“Tripping lang gid siguro,” he added.