82% of LGUs in WV have transition teams
Eighty-two percent of the local government units (LGUs) in Western Visayas have already formed their transition teams that will ensure the smooth transfer of leadership to the incoming leaders on June 30, 2010.
Department of the Interior and Local Government 6 (DILG 6) Operations Services Division Chief Maria Calpiza Sardua said that out of the 139 LGUs in the region 114 have already composed their Local Governance Transition (LGT) teams, as of May 14, 2010.
Sardua said this is in compliance with the Memorandum Circular 2010-26 dated April 8, 2010 issued by Interior and Local Government Secretary Ronaldo Puno encouraging local government units to create their respective LGT teams to ensure smooth leadership transitions.
She noted that among the provinces in the region, Iloilo has the lowest in terms of compliance with the said directive. Only 28 local government units out of the 44 have reported that they have formed their respective transition teams so far.
According to Sardua in the province of Capiz, only Roxas City has not submitted the composition of its LGT team but Mayor Vicente Bermejo has made known its intention to form its transition team after the May 10 elections.
On the other hand, 18 out of the 19 LGUs in Antique province have already their respective LGT teams, 17 LGUs out of the 18 in Aklan and 28 out of the 32 LGUs in Negros Occidental.
The transition team is directed to conduct an inventory of all local government real or immovable properties such as lands, buildings, infrastructure facilities and improvements and machineries, as well as movable properties such as vehicles, office equipment, furniture, fixtures and supply stocks.
It was also tasked to assemble all documents or records such as: contracts and loan agreements; outstanding loan obligations and accounts payable; inventory of personnel by nature of appointment; organizational structure; Executive Orders; and to organize a turn-over ceremony to the incoming set of officials on June 30, 2010.
The LGT team is composed of all the Department Heads in the local government unit, representatives from the DILG, Commission on Audit and a non-government or people’s organization with the local chief executive as chairman. (PIA)