Antique cops undergo anti-illegal recruitment training
Selected personnel of the Antique Police Provincial Office (APPO) attended recently an Anti-Illegal Recruitment (AIR) seminar that was aimed at intensifying their awareness and skills to become more effective in the campaign to protect Filipino workers.
The participants were briefed by Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) Anti-Illegal Recruitment Branch chief Atty. Celso Jernandez Jr. about the AIR campaign and its related laws.
He also enjoined police officers to be vigilant and aggressive in helping the POEA address illegal recruitment. He said that law enforcers play a vital role in the programs against illegal recruitment activities.
Leading the list of participants were APPO director S/Supt. Ruperto T. Floro and the chiefs of police from various municipalities of the province, Antique Provincial Public Safety Management Company (APPSMC) and Public Employment Service Officers (PESO) of Antique.
Floro expressed gratefulness to the POEA for conducting the seminar.
He likewise challenged the policemen to put into practice what they have learned and to continue to support and be a partner of the POEA and other stakeholders in curbing illegal recruiters. (PNA)