Dearly’s rare debut

It started with a promise.
Meldon Arenal promised his daughter, Dearly a debut party when she turns eighteen. But three months before the said day, he died. But, it was a promise kept when Dearly decided to celebrate her eighteenth birthday at her father’s gravesite at the Garden of the Ascension last July 3, 2010.
At the Garden of the Ascension, it was truly a celebration of life – a rare debut party attended by Dearly’s family, friends from elementary as well as friends from St. Paul’s Iloilo University where she goes to school.
Dearly’s mom, Pilar, welcomed the guests who came in all-white attire and their flipflops. The party started with a face painting. It was followed by a foot marking for Dearly. The girls shaped their right foot on a white cloth and wrote their messages there.
The debutante walked to her father’s gravesite and lighted a candle. Then, she proceeded to the celebration and joined in the fun.
There were varied games. The guests were asked to create giant slippers from newspaper. They were also asked to find the pair of their slippers, which happened to be their invitation to the party. Even the cake was shaped like a slipper.
The fun was followed by a barbecue dinner. After dinner came the 18 poppers, 18 sparkles and 10 most treasured. Instead of the traditional 18 roses ceremony, 18 of the debutante’s friends showed a talent. Instead of the usual 18 candles, 18 of Dearly’s friends lit a victory light (pasirit) and made a wish for the celebrator. And instead of the usual 18 treasures, Dearly gave her 18 friends her 18 most treasured items like shades, accessories, unused diaries, belts and more.
The party ended with firecrackers at exactly 8:30 PM. It was a promise kept.