DOLE 6 to check 3,100 businesses for standards compliance
The Department of Labor and Employment 6 is stepping up its labor standards enforcement in Western Visayas by increasing inspection of priority inspectionable establishments employing 10 to 199 workers, Labor Regional Director Manuel Roldan announced yesterday.
The two-phase project is part of the agency’s Project Labor Enforcement and Action Program.
The inspection will be conducted through a zonal approach to increase employers’ compliance with core labor standards and also to protect workers’ rights, Roldan said.
The first phase started yesterday and will run until November 30 this year while the second phase will be conducted from February to November 2011.
“Our inspectors will conduct inspection in a specific target area before moving to the next target area. This will enable them to inspect more establishments,” Roldan said.
Priority establishments for inspection include security and manpower agencies, subcontractors, cooperatives, manufacturing establishments, restaurants, and fast food enterprises.
Other inspectionable establishments will also be checked once the inspection of priority establishments is completed.
Targeted for inspection during the first phase are 2,400 establishments, including 1,169 in Negros Occidental; 950 in Iloilo and Guimaras; 197 in Aklan; 56 in Capiz; and 28 in Antique.
Western Visayas has 3,136 inspectionable establishments, with Negros Occidental topping the list with 1,708; Iloilo and Guimaras, 1,081; Aklan, 203; Capiz, 95; and Antique, 30.
Roldan said the inspection will focus on the core labor standards and compliance with social welfare legislation.
Core labor standards refer to the minimum wage, Emergency Cost of Living Allowance, 13th month pay, holiday pay, service incentive leave, overtime pay and night-shift differential. The Social Security System, Pag-IBIG, Philippine Health Insurance Corp. and Employees Compensation Commission coverage will also be checked as these constitute workers’ benefits.
Roldan, however, said establishments which consistently complied with labor standards for the past three years will be given due recognition.
He said compliant establishments will be excluded from targeted establishments for inspection and will be cited for consistent compliance.