Bringing the hospital closer to your home
Trinity Home Health Care And Hospice Services, Inc.

Do you live alone? Do you have loved ones at home who are medically unfit? Do medical emergencies at home drive you into a panic state? Do your children or helpers call you for help while at work when emergencies arise? Have you experienced being in an emergency situation yet have to wait in line for a long time at the hospital’s emergency or out-patient department before the resident physician or nurses can attend to you?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you need Trinity Home Health Care and Hospice Services, Inc.
Trinity is a stock corporation that was founded and administered by committed doctors. It was established for the purpose of working with other medical professionals in order to provide quality ambulance, paramedical, home care and hospice services to its members.
Trinity Home Health Care and Hospice Services’ mission is to improve the quality of their clients’ lives everyday. They want to address the health needs of chronically ill patients in the convenience of their own homes. They want to prevent or minimize death and crippling injuries caused by accidents and medical emergencies through their Emergency Quick Response System program.
Dr. Leo Malones, a well-known surgeon and one of the owners, said that Trinity brings the hospital closer to their member’s home.
“We have a LQRS System that makes it easy for us to manage our member’s needs. We have a satellite view of the member’s residence so that it is for us to locate him or her. We are aided with a satellite map and photos. Also, we have in our database the medical history of the person, which is very important in every emergency. This way, we can proceed to the management phase,” Dr. Malones said. He added that Trinity has doctors and nurses who can administer help 24 hours a day. They have trained emergency response personnel who will attend at home, school and offices.
They also have 24 hours coordinate laboratory and pharmacy services.
Trinity has a 24-hour Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA) with complete facilities such as AED, ECG machine, pulse oximeter, intubation set, suction machine and point of care test, among others. They also have motorcycles that are equipped for care support.
Dr. Malones also revealed that Trinity offers training on basic life support and advance cardiac life support. “We have an ongoing negotiation with the Philippine Heart Association to train trainors so we could be certified by the American Heart Association as one of its international heart training centers,” he said.
Not to Compete
Dr. Malones clarified that they are not here to compete with hospitals and other doctors. “In fact, we are working with them in caring for patients. We have 24-hour coordinated services with the person’s primary attending physician.”
Membership Requirements
For individual and family membership, one must have a telephone line and the residence must be located within Iloilo City and accessible to the main road. For institutional membership, one must be a regular employee of the company, there must be a minimum of 10 members per company, the company must have a telephone line and the workplace must be located within Iloilo City and accessible to the main road. For student membership, one must be a bonafide student of the said school, the school must have a telephone line and the school must be located within Iloilo City and accessible to the main road.
There are three types of annual membership. They are Silver, Gold and Group memberships.
For inquiries on how to be a member, visit Trinity Home Health Care and Hospice Services, Inc. at MV Hechanova, Jaro, Iloilo City. Their telephone number is 3209048 and mobile number is 0922.8178.230.