WB lauds implementation of land management project
World Bank, the funding agency of the second phase of the Land Administration and Management Project (LAMP2), lauded the overall performance of the project following its recent review mission held at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
Bert Hofman, country director for Philippines of the World Bank, East Asia and Pacific Region said, “We are pleased to learn that the project implementation has continued to improve since the last review mission in June 2010. There is good progress in the areas of land registration and service delivery, land valuation and tax reforms and the very important partnering with municipalities is impressive.”
“We congratulate you on the innovative approaches being pursued under the project and the good cooperation being achieved between the implementing agencies, municipalities, the indigenous peoples and the communities,” Hofman said.
He also commended the high engagement of local government units in the titling activities and the strong collaboration between the project and the indigenous peoples of Bukidnon, saying that the “agreements made under the Memorandum of Understanding are very encouraging providing a best practice example.”
DENR Secretary Ramon Paje said, “The efforts across components and the partnerships with the stakeholders and the LGUs, with the full cooperation of the implementing agencies, have paid off to achieve such progress in its implementation.”
Paje attributed the successful attainment of the project’s objective of increasing land tenure security and improve land administration services, to the implementation of institutional and legal reforms, accelerated land titling program and establishment of a fair and uniform property valuation.”*