By Rodolfo P. Gumabong
Will U.S. allow Israel to bomb Iran?
Israel is seeking permission from the U.S. to use its air space in Iraq to bomb the nuclear facilities of Iran. To bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, Israel fighter planes and bombers have to pass Iraq's air space which is controlled by the U.S. If the U.S. military in Iraq are not aware of Israel's plan, U.S and Israel jet planes might shoot each other.
Iran President Mahmond Ahmadinijad has announced that Israel will be wiped off from the map. Since Iran is capable of launching nuclear warheads against Israel. Israel, the chosen nation of God, is only trying to hit first before Iran annihilates by surprise attack the Jewish nation. In the 1967 war against Israel by the Arab nations, the Jewish state has been victorious against the combined forces of Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Jordan. As in the old testament of the Holy Bible says in Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jacob's time, God will always protect His Holy nation Israel and His chosen people, the Hebrew or Jews. No doubt, the Christian world are praying to God to spare Israel from the forces of Satan. Perilous time will come and the end will usher the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with His mighty Angels before Him.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a report recently saying that Iran had not halted and in fact had expanded its uranium enrichment program defying a United Nations Security Council demand to stop by weekend of February. A press report says the U.S., France and Britain have suggested a much tougher Security Council sanctions on Iran, while Germany, China and Russia have taken a softer attitude. Iran keeps on denying the U.S. charges that it seeks nuclear weapon.
Can Iran be trusted that the nuclear facilities are for peaceful means and not against Israel, U.S, Britain, France and other democratic nations? Iran is reportedly sending suicide bombers in Iraq and Shiite and Sunni insurgents are being used to fight another in Iraq at the expense of thousands of Iraq's innocent civilians dead through the fanatical suicide bombers.
Christians should pray to God that like North Korea that dismantled its nuclear program, Iran will likewise follow so. God is in control of the universe and His timing when He is coming mankind knows nothing.