Iloilo Emerald Lions Club, Inc thru the years

Iloilo Emerald Lions Club, Inc. members, officers
and newly inducted members during the Governor's
Night held at Amigo Terrace Hotel last April 19,2008.
From left, Lion Leo Barte, Lion Rowena Tan, Pres.
Lion Alvin Tan, PP Lion Remy Gumban, Lion Matt
Palabrica, Lion Marco Decena, IPP Lion Baby
Certeza, Lion Jaspher Quezon, Lion Jesther
Macalalag, Lion Romeo Cahilgan, Jr., Lion Ma.
Teresa Macalalag, Lion Ann Marie Antonette Reyes,
Lion Rudy Sorongon, Lion Jennifer Divinagracia,
Lion Alice Quezon and Lion Bessie Deocampo.
The ILOILO EMERALD LIONS CLUB, Inc, was chartered by the Iloilo Gardenia Lions Club in 1996 and is the youngest Lions club in the Panay Area. It was in the same year that it was chartered by the Lions Club International
The Charter President was Atty. Francis Occena but did not complete his term. In danger of extinction, the presidency was assumed by Atty. Evelyn "Vivian" Rondael. She revived and nurtured the club for a year. Membership did not much pick up. The club's growth and development suffered some setbacks. In 1998 to 2000, Josephine "Bing" Yukon took over the leadership along with a handful of members sustained the life of the Emerald Lions Club.
In the years to follow it was the efforts of a new member, Joemarie Agriam that the club was revitalized. For the next three years 2000-2003, PP Joeboy directed the club to a different level.

Iloilo Emerald Leo Club President Antonieta
Gonzales received the International patch and 15
certificates awarded by Lions International for
"Spotlight on Children" project of the Iloilo Emerald
Leo Club. Governor Eden Tan, District Governor of
District 301B awards the patch and certificates
witness by Chairman Maridan Sollesta, Region
Chairman of Leo Clubs, IELC, Inc. Pres. Alvin Tan
and IPP Lion Baby Certeza, Emerald Leo Adviser.
The club raised funds involving the government, civilian citizens and campaigned for new members that wanted to be part of the group and THEY SERVED.
They helped the women of the "House of Refuge", a halfway house for abused women and sexually-abused children located in the compound of Central Philippines University. They furnished the house with blankets, bed mats, pillows and bedding materials and gave boxes and boxes of books and reading materials.
The Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth in Brgy. Concordia, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras was the recipient of the various services of the club. The club built a chapel inside the center, built a mini- library, give gifts consisting of toiletries, used clothes, washing implements, and good grooming items. Additional gifts given were scapulars, Bibles and rosary guides. The club held a medical mission and diabetes awareness in Brgy. Abang-abang,Alimodian serving 2000 indigents from neighboring barangays.

Iloilo Emerald Lions Club, Inc. Pres. Alvin Tan
received the Trophy for Peace Poster Contest.
EILC,Inc. won the first Prize for the whole District
301B in the Peace Poster Contest with the theme
"Peace Around the World".
The club spearheaded and helped the Iloilo City Government in its clean and green campaign. The club joined with the Zonta Club in the International Coastal Clean-up Day in Villa collecting 275 garbage bags along the coastline and cleaning up of post election campaign materials around Plaza Libertad.
In 2003, Margie Lopez Carillo was the new President. She implemented projects congruent with the new image of the club.
In 2004, Lydia Songano took over the presidency. It was a busy year for all the members. Several new members were recruited.
The club donated garbage bins to I. Arroyo Elementary School in Fundidor, Molo. Several Blood Letting Programs were accomplished with the Iloilo Red Cross. Empty oil drums were donated to the Iloilo City Government. The club participated in the Peace-Poster making contest and sent 5 contestants from the Balantang Elementary School. Books and magazines were to the Daga-Barasan National High School in Sta. Barbara, Iloilo.

Past President Remy Gumban of Iloilo
Emerald Lions Club, Inc. entertains Lions
of District 301B during the Fellowship
Night of Lions International District 301B.
As District Convention Chairman, PP Joeboy Agriam and Chairman of the International Relations Committee, PP Lydia Songano played vital roles during the two-day Lions Congress attended by seven districts and Lions from Guam and all Emerald Lions members, supported by PDG Felipe Lim during his first Cabinet Meeting.
Remegio Gumban was elected president in 2005. Eyeglasses donations were given to the Sta. Barbara Drivers Association, joined with the National Red Cross for another Blood Letting Program, Book donations to the West Visayas Sanitarium Elementary School Library, Tagsing- Buyo Elementary School and Daga-Barasan Elementary School. The club donated plastic bins to the City Environment Resources Office, continuous maintenance of the adopted skywalk in Bonifacio Drive, Christmas Gift Giving to the Western Visayas Sanitarium Elementary School in Sta. Barbara and Brgy. Magsaysay street children.
Flor "Baby" Certeza was the 10th president of Iloilo Emerald Lions Club, Inc. A lot of projects and donations were accomplished by the club thus making Emerald lions club the "Most Outstanding Club" in District 301B and also the "Most Outstanding President" was awarded to President Baby Certeza. The highlight of her presidency was when she chartered the Iloilo Emerald Leo Club with beginning members of 21 Leo. The club got the 1st prize for the Peace Poster Contest for the whole District 301B. It was indeed a very fruitful year for the Iloilo Emerald Lions Club Int.
As an active member of the Council of Lions Club Presidents, the Emerald Lions organized several fund raising projects. These events increased public awareness of what we are. These gave support and strengthened the camaraderie with other Lions Clubs and have linked itself with almost the entire City of Iloilo.
And to think, this was a club that almost vanished. All these happened these past years. The members took a big leap and a giant step it was and made it. It was the good leadership, right guidance, great vision that they were able to face the challenge. They know there are a lot to be done. They can not do it all; they need more enthusiastic members that are willing to get involved and share.
The commitment and dedication of those that made it happen needs to be applauded. These are the new breed of Lions that possessed the 3-Ts of Leadership --- Time, Talent and Treasures. They know what Lionism is all about and have the desire to make their community and the world a better place to be.
There will be changes, as change in the society takes place. And with new leaders with the talent to help create an environment for the members to feel they belong, then we are on the right tract. Let it be known that any contribution made, no matter how small is a renewed hope and satisfaction. Make every effort a genuine commitment.
At present, the club's president is Alvin Tan.