Independence Day dioramas

The Men and Women of SM City Iloilo.
Several schools added life to the already busy atmosphere at SM City Iloilo last June 12, 2008 to celebrate the Philippine's 110th independence. They held simultaneous 10-minute presentations at the different mall hallways, much to the delight of the mallers.
Their presentations were related to Philippine independence, mostly on the historical aspect.
This presentation was called the Interschool Live Diorama Competition. As it was a competition, there was of course, a winner. The plum went to La Paz National High School.
After the dioramas, a show called Munting Bayani was held. The elementary school students that performed were all under the theater and cultural art workshop of Fred Batoon. During his speech, Batoon said that many kids have been neglected on the streets, thus he encouraged the public to sponsor them by sending them to his workshop, which he offers at a very reasonable price.

The Men and Women of SM City Iloilo.
After his speech, the students held several dance presentations leaving the audience smiling and proud of the potential of the Filipino child.