Diaz Speech and Personality Development Academy

Excelling for seven years and counting ...
Would you like your children to overcome shyness? Gain self–confidence? Think quickly and decisively? Develop her or his talent? Become attractive? Speak in public without stage fright? enrich their vocabulary?
Diaz Speech and Personality Development Academy can help. DSPDA is the only Personality Development center in Iloilo that has effectively transformed shy boys and girls into dynamic characters.
DSPA began in late in 2001, with just one course, one teacher and 35 students. To date, its curriculum program has expanded into four major categories: Practical Communication Efficiency, Modeling and Personality Development skills, TV and Radio Production and Journalism. Under each categories specialized program has been designed with strict classification of the participants.
Participation is no longer restricted to pre-school kids. Even adults especially those on the professional level, may avail themselves of DSPDA tutelage either by group or one-to one basis, with special course on Public Speaking, Multi-Media, Modeling & Scriptwriting.
The center imparts personal power strategies and aimed at harnessing clients potentials.

Instructors. The selection of their instructors is based on their practical experience in modeling or related fields. The instructors have had specialized training and have been extensive exposed to workshops
Concept. It is their opinion that by experiencing hands-on training, students are encouraged to learn and retain information as well as become confident, outgoing individuals. They believe that the highest learning potential is gained through motivation, demonstration and participation.
Classroom Environment. The class size is limited to a maximum of 25 students per class. Keeping the class size small allows the instructors to better work one on one with each student and promote individuality and confidence.
Progress Report System. The instructor keeps a record of attendance and progress for each student. This allows the management to monitor the development of each student and enables DSPDA to maintain positive communication link between parents, students and staff.
Graduation Requirements. Upon completion of all sessions, each student will receive a Graduation Certificate and will have a chance to model and perform in actual stage production.