A Fun Feeding Activity in Balantang

Mothers and their children trooped to the Balantang Gym in order to take part in the Supplemental Feeding and Contest that was held in celebration of July as Nutrition Month.
The event was facilitated by supplemental feeding worker Myrnalyn Dunggon. There were six mothers/guardians who joined the Nutritious Food Contest. The mothers/guardians were asked to buy ingredients from the mini-market that was set up inside the gym. It consisted of vegetables, beans, fish, meat and condiments. I was tasked to check on who had the most nutritious choice for only P50.
Genalyn Siason won. She was able to choose ingredients that could come up with three viands that her family can enjoy. And healthful as well! Her choices were filled with calcium, omega-3 and antioxidants.

After the contest, the mothers and children were fed with pasta and macaroni soup, thanks to the ever supportive village head, Hon. Joel Jumayao. The food choices were really delicious.
Everyone was surprised as well when Edna Magallanes, sister of one of the village’s tanods, donated several cakes. The kids were really ecstatic with such feast.
After the feeding, flyers on proper nutrition, were given out to the mothers/guardians.
The activity was in line with the celebration’s theme, “Sa pagkaing tapat at sapat, wastong timbang ni baby ang katapat.”