Rational Insanity
The Christian sleeping pill
I haven't been sleeping well for the past week. The reasons are varied. I have many things to do, many things to accomplish that people expect me to accomplish. I have so many thoughts about so many things. I have so many concerns about so many issues. Surely, these would be more than enough to keep a lad like me goggling at the occasional moth hovering around the meager light that managed to seep through my blinds.
Many of us suffer from occasional insomnia. More than just insomnia being a physiological problem, which can easily be explained by the excess secretion of certain chemicals and hormones in our brain that I can barely pronounce, insomnia is also a psychological problem. I am not saying that people who experience insomnia automatically have a loose screw in their heads. All I'm saying is that for most of us who can't sleep at night, our brains work overtime thinking of things that we shouldn't be thinking about before the blessed moment of sleep. What usually happens is that when we fail to give ourselves an ample good night's sleep; we float on a cloud at work or at school and look forward to every waking moment where we could steal a snooze or two. As for me, when I come back from the office for my lunch break, my afternoon nap drools to until the day is over, so, the afternoon part of my work day is snatched away by dreamland.
Anyway, all of us need sleep " at least eight hours a day. Unknown to most of us, lack of sleep can actually kill us. It is imperative that we get the required number of sleep hours a day or risk mental and physical malfunction. Despite what most insomniacs say that sleeping eight hours a day would result to years of our life wasted in sleep, our bodies require that we recharge our batteries to be able to function efficiently every day. So what would be the best solution for the handful of us who cannot get our needed sleep requirement no matter how hard we try?
Psychologists have written time and again that while insomnia can be both physiological (referring to abnormal biological functions) or psychological (referring to the overworking of our brains), most cases of insomnia are due to undue stress caused by the unnecessary activation of our brains for things that should not normally bother us. We tend to be overly concerned of things that should not really be an issue when it comes to the mentalities of most average humans. Well, I have tried most household solutions when it comes to remedying insomnia. I have tried drinking a cup of hot tea or soup, filling my stomach with some food, reading a book, watching television until I get sleepy, and taking a walk! The only thing I haven't tried is drinking a glass of warm milk because I am lactose intolerant and I might end up with an upset stomach instead of a good night's sleep. I have even tried some of the non-narcotic sleeping pills like Unisom, stress tabs, and iron vitamins. None worked. I have gone to the extent of using anti-allergy medication called antihistamines (the ones I use for my allergic rhinitis) to cause sleepiness, but I seem to be resistant to all these. It seems to me that my mind just seems to work over-overtime and I can't do anything to stop it from working. My parents always said I was clumsy and the only plausible explanation they could offer was that my mind worked faster than my body did, hence the discrepancy in my movements. When I try to do something, my mind has already thought about doing that something and it has long gone towards thinking about some other thing to do. Haaaaay! I am desperate in my quest for a good night's sleep, maybe this is the curse that most writers suffer from "but mind you I have found a solution that seems to work for me at the moment. Although I am not sure whether it will go on working for the rest of my sleeping life, I can definitely tell you that it works for me now.
I bet most of you would want to know what this miracle solution is. Well, it's very simple. I have not stopped from thinking about unnecessary things and I have not been able to control how my mind works. I just spend an hour and let my mind be, and at the end of the hour, I say, "Thy Will be done", then I close my eyes resting assured that everything will turn out all right. It's that simple.
Most things in life are too huge for our intellect to handle and the only way to get these things out of our minds is to surrender them to a higher and greater power. This is not fatalism or the "bahala na"
attitude, it is merely recognizing that some things are beyond our control; that some things are beyond the power to change that which our industry could; that some things are just plain, and simple "not in our league. The secret to a good nights sleep is in the simple prayer: Lord, grant me the strength to change the things that I can change, the grace to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Thy Will be done and sleep tight.
Be rational; be insane, every once in a while!!TTFN!
Hello to my dearest readers, to Vanessa, to Lea, Jenny, Am-am, Dot, Verona, James, Sheen, Hellpen, Anne, Mary Dale, Chan,Michelle, Zarthus, Jonald, Mr. Bobot, Vic, Vincent, and Rex, Alex, Arvin, Corz, Jim, Kiara, Malikh, Audrae, Franz, Hendrick, Janice, Jay, Jim, Jonathan, Mark, Marz, Mel, Pres, Nhonoy,Niel, Piper, Rheavil, Joey, Alma, Rodolfo, Ecker, Ryan, Roni, Ian, Narle, Sunny and to Anuj of CMC, I love you all! Byers! Salamat gid sa mga walang-hintong text and reactions nyo! Catch
Rational Insanity in TNT's online edition, check us out at www.thenewstoday.info, text me at (0920)9254269, or email me at prague@eudoramail.com. Byers! Mmmmmmmwah!