Anything Under the Sun
Art triumvirate of Pavia (1)
Few Ilonggos and perhaps, still fewer Pavianhons know that Pavia had produced three noted national artists long ago. They are Timoteo J. Jumayo, Lamberto R. Hechanova, and Alberto G. Himalla, all products of the College of Fine Arts of the University of Santo Tomas.
Timoteo J. Jumayo
Timoteo J. Jumayo, the more known of the three, is popularly known as the sculpture of Oton Saga -- a 9 by 54 feet historical mural in full relief sculpture in uniform concrete at Oton Plaza and Iloilo Heritage -- a 3 by 15 feet mural relief sculpture depicting various epochs in Iloilo cultural evoulution at the old Mandurriao Airport, Iloilo City.
After his graduation from the University of Santo Tomas, he took several special studies by correspondence in art institutions in the United States while working for various advertising agencies in Manila. But after around ten years he returned to Iloilo in 1966.
Here, he became curator of Museo Iloilo, Cultural Deputy of the province of Iloilo,and member of the Board of Travel and Trade Industry and of Iloilo Cultural Research Foundation.
He held his first solo exhibition at Kahirup Hotel in 1968 followed by those at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Museo Iloilo, Gawahan Show at Roxas City and Robinsons Galleria in Manila.
Many of his works were published in national newspapers and magazines like Times Journal, Bulletin Today, Philippine Panorama, Daily Express, and Women's Journal. And also in books like Art of Southeast Asia, Art Museum of Southeast Asia and Sugar is Sweet.
He also garnered following awards: First Prize in USIS Art Competition, Bahandi Award for Sculture in 1986 and Iloilo Heritage Award.
Lastly, he was a founding member of the annual Carabao -- Carroza Festival of Pavia held in honor of the farmers and his ever loyal breast of burden, the lowly carabao.