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Flocking like birds
Some cannot identify who they really are. They can't even distinguish their own personal identity even to the extent of not knowing what they really like and what they really akin to. Most likely they need someone to be the mirror of themselves. And these persons are their identical personalities.
"Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are," this is a very popular saying amongst us. What if we equalize that cliché to the line that says: "Birds of the same feather flock together?"
At first they never made sense to me but as I grew older and as I mingled with people whom I have learned a lot of wisdom from, I was able to get the real meaning behind these two clichés.
As human, we usually go with the persons whom we are comfortable with. We comfortably share our thoughts, feelings and interests with them. We choose to befriend with them where we can share our in the vein of, aversions, our diversions, and our obsession for certain things.
Both intentionally and unintentionally, if we spend more time with a certain group, others may have the idea as to what type of persons we are. These others are the ones who tend to notice all the ways and behaviors we possess. They are the ones who draw a correct conclusion of who we really are and what can we possible do.
Inadvertently we are shaping ourselves with what others think about us. However, they may have other things in mind especially when they see who our friends are. Suppose it is for individual rating but in the end they draw conclusions for the group and the rating is for general evaluation. Uniqueness is not that evident in the way they observe us but the issue on likeness is really a major point.
Let's talk about the group that you are a part of. In most cases they have a powerful influence on your life. Their influence on you can be constructive or destructive. If you'd allow them to eat you as a whole or tend to mold you to another person or to be one of them, it is likely to happen.
Friends, group or buddies, we allow them to be part of ourselves to shape us to become better persons. They should not be distracting us from reaching our goals we have set for ourselves. They are the ones who can support us but make sure they support the positive move that we decide upon. They provide criticisms that will be our basis for reshaping our character and our very own personality if not for the best even just for the better.
Nowadays, good and true friends are really hard to come and to find. There are friends who call you a friend if they have something to get from you. The moment they get a hold of what they want, they are just like bubbles plopping in seconds. They will use you and abuse your kindness and they will just leave you in the middle of nowhere.
Let me challenge you with this question: Can you identify who you really are? Can you tell your own identity?
If you need time to think about it, it simply shows that you need your friends to tell you who you really are. Now, here's a follow up question: "Who are your friends?"