Sex and the Church
Much dialogues about, contraceptive, sterility, abortion, sex education had been made... and it boils down to one thing SEX... and no matter how the church campaigns for its morality the reality is... humans are sexual beings... our nature is to learn, explore, experiment and enjoy our sexuality and no one can inhibit us to do that except ourselves and the dogmas set upon by the church like "going to hell", "reincarnate as an animal" or "suffer Karma" -- the issue is not about SEX actually but about choices... about values... about education.
The numbers of teenage pregnancy and abortion, STD cases in all ages, street children, delinquents, child prostitutes and mothers dying of childbirth is increasing... and who opposes the use of contraception and sex education? Is it not the church? But are they capable of solving these situations? Whose stomach gets hungry when you have 7-15 children to feed? Whose future is at stake when your child gets pregnant at 16? Whose life gets wasted after a complicated birth? And whose sons and daughters turn up as street beggar, a thief or a prostitute? And does the church do anything about it? Instead, they accuse you as FORNICATORS and condemn you for being IMMORAL! And what is immoral in having children you can afford to feed and send to school? Of not getting pregnant when you are 16? When you chose to live than to die? When you avoid to have children that will end up as menace to the society? Not to educate people to make the right choices is IMMORAL!
The church -- a symbol of sacredness, of godly-values, of salvation -- should continue or strive more to strengthen the moral values of its ministry, but they should not prevent the society to have choices... I have a friend who has 13 children and she was advised by her doctor for ligation but she said she had to consult the priest? And I thought to myself -- What would the priest say about that? Give alternative ways and means not to get pregnant? And how the hell does he know about that? About Calendar or Withdrawal Method? Or he'll just say "oh do it when you are only safe?" (he must be sexually educated to maintain his celibacy and status up to this moment, and what about those priests who died with children crying on their coffins claiming as their children?) I am so sorry to say my thoughts out loud... but I am a woman, I have choices of my own, and have values I mostly got from my family, my environment and from my readings? And if ever I chose to use pills does that make me a murderer? Though I very much disagree with abortion as the word per se (the process of eliminating a developing embryo or fetus inside the womb) but preventing pregnancy is not abortion but obviously prevention. Having a child without the capacity to feed, clothe, educate him is like killing him softly.
We are all hypocrites to say or feel that sex education is indecent. It's like saying that sex is indecent... Are we not taught that sex is sacred, the union of two souls, the gift of procreation? And what is indecent about that? Because we are all guilty about it! Probably not all but please let us be real! Our husbands cheat, and wives are realizing that they can do it too. We have wild fantasies. Our poor children are hooked up in the internet, in sex scandals, and we never know our sons' virginity was stolen by a homosexual maniac and our daughter's pure minds are corrupted by text mates/chat mates? I am not generalizing, but these things are happening... and I wonder how the church takes this... Be discreet... Nowadays nothing is discreet, from the "idiot box" in the center of your living room to the mushrooming internet cafes and to the convenient small screen in your cellphones -- sex is everywhere!
Are we going to let our children get their sexual education in porno materials, in the internet, in blue tooth, in a gay man's mouth, at the fingertips of pedophiles? Are we going to deny women of their rights to control child birth? Are we going to supply the society with out-of-school children most likely to end up as criminals? Are we just going to swallow the sight of women dying from birth? Of daughters ending as prostitutes? And of young boys violated by fagots? Then we are all guilty of being immoral, anyway who's moral these days? Me? You? The Church? We are a society of Immorals, and the church gorges from our need to be cleansed and they feed on that need and they continue to survive because of that need, when all it takes is how we value our existence! We are humans vulnerable to make mistakes but it is also our nature not to dwell in darkness and search for the light. Everyone commits mistakes, we learn, we forgive ourselves, we realize and we change and that's what life is all about.
I believe in God, I was baptized as a Catholic, my father is a Conservative Born Again Christian, my mother is a converted Mormon, I once lived in the community of Jehovah's Witnesses, and my son graduated from the Seventh day Adventist, I have my respect for all religions... but when it comes to my relationship with God... it is personal. I very Much Agree with Sex Education and Contraception, and Abortion? I abhor it!