DOLE 6 to check 56 Capiz establishments
The Department of Labor and Employment 6 will check an initial 56 establishments in Capiz through its intensified inspection program outlined under its Project Labor Enforcement and Action Program.
Capiz has 95 inspectionable establishments.
The 56 businesses in Capiz are part of the 2,400 establishments targeted to be inspected during the first phase of Project LEAP in Western Visayas which started August 2 until Nov. 30, 2010.
PROJECT LEAP contained in Administrative Order No. 281 series of 2010 was signed by Labor and Employment Secretary Rosalinda D. Baldoz on July 16, 2010.
This seeks to maximize employers’ compliance with labor standards and protect workers’ rights, in line with the platform and policy pronouncements on labor and employment of President Benigno Simeon Aquino III.
Priority establishments identified under PROJECT LEAP are security and manpower agencies, subcontractors, cooperatives, manufacturing establishments, restaurants and fast food enterprises employing 10 to 199 workers.
DOLE 6 OIC-Director Manuel Roldan said that PROJECT LEAP will be implemented in two phases. The 1st phase is on-going until November 30, 2010 and the 2nd phase will last through the months of February and November 2011.
Roldan said they will conduct inspection in a specific target area before moving to the next target area to enable them to inspect more establishments.
The coverage of inspection will include core labor standards and compliance with social welfare legislation. The core labor standards refer to the minimum wage, ECOLA, 13th month pay, holiday pay, service incentive leave, overtime pay and night-shift differential.
Also, to be inspected are the SSS, Pag-IBIG, PhilHealth and ECC coverage as these constitute said benefits for the workers.