Words for approval
When there is supposed to be separation of church and state, the Philippines wallows in RELIGITICS or politics influenced by religious views of which, the country’s population and reproductive health programs are an example.
RELIGITICS is just one of many new words which may be getting dictionary space soon, further enhancing the human WORDROBE or vocabulary. These new words are handy whether in writing or in TEXTVERSATIONS, if one prefers to communicate via text messaging. He can also freely TWEX or engage in sex-oriented Twitter exchanges without fear of censorship.
TEXTVERSATIONS are common among users of social media during their one too many TWEETUPS or gatherings and parties via Twitter. Fun as a TWEETUP sounds I virtually hear the netizens of Twitterverse WOOTING with excitement.
Meantime in another social networking site Facebook, there’s too much UNFRIENDING these days because of lurkers and EBAYPRENUERS who mess up one’s wall with advertisements. And as Americans UNFRIEND them, the British – in an effort to be different – would rather DEFRIEND these Facebook undesirables.
Another bad (online) habit is sending chain email to everyone, as SPRAY MAILING can be rude some people. Equally despicable are HOAXTERS who spread untruths via the internet. Bosses also hate it when their employees spend company time surfing so don’t be a CYBERLOAFER. If you are a fan of social networking sites you can always FAVORITIZE them on your own computer at home.
Television plays an important role in shaping new words. In this age of reality TV a SHOWMANCE is often kindled as people develop love interests within a reality show. A CELEBREALITY SHOWMANCE is even more engaging as one gets a peek at a popular person’s love life in a reality show.
With today’s fast-paced lifestyle we spend more time in our offices or on the road than at home, that CARBAGE such as paper cups and food wrappers strewn about one’s car is a growing sanitation concern. One may have given up smoking but the ash tray can still serve as a coin repository – a CASHTRAY if you will.
In countries where there are four seasons, it would be wiser to shop for flexible clothes. A blouse worn in summertime can be AUTUMIZED by adding a scarf in the fall. Or what about JEGGINGS or leggings made of jean material such as denim? JEGGINGS make for “skinny jeans” when they begin to sound outmoded or yucky.
The evolution of words can also be induced by realities predominant at any given time. The mass migration of other nationalities to the US for instance, gave birth to the ANCHOR BABY or a baby born in the United States to non-citizen parents. That baby’s US citizenship paves the way for the US citizenship of his alien parents and siblings.
During the global economic MELTDOWN last year, words like BOSSNAPPING were used to refer to pay cuts experienced by company honchos as part of cost cutting measures. Other service providers also offered FREEMIUMS to entice customers to continue their patronage through hard times.
An example of FREEMIUMS would be a website where online doctors offer free consultation and online examinations and in return, the site advertises pharmaceutical products. Such a site is not recommended for CYBERCHONDRIACS or those who imagine physical ailments after reading about them on the internet.
Some music publishers allow free music downloads on the internet to entice consumers to patronize the site and buy their other products. These sites are popular with those whose IPODIAN addiction is insatiable.
New words are often recommended by people who have started using them as part of their growing and evolving vocabulary. But many new words up for consideration are not really words but abbreviations and acronyms. Take SLAP for instance, which stands for Sounds Like A Plan, or BMW which is short for Beautiful Mature Women. I just have a thing with unreadable words such as the all consonant B-M-W, when COUGAR is easier to pronounce when talking about women of substance (or even cars).
There’s also a submission for TYL which stands for Text You Later but sounds like bathroom “tile.” I run the risk of being misunderstood so there’s no way I’m ever going to admit any abbreviation into my modern, personal dictionary lest I am courting a disastrous WORDROBE malfunction.*