An Art for Mother Earth

(First of two parts)
The call to save our precious planet has been awakened. And slowly the messages of ruthless floods, tyrant earthquakes, and aggravated droughts have gotten through to global nations concerned for their own life’s sake – to save our planet. Unquestionably, Man has been taking for granted the resources our planet abundantly nurtures us with, but has Man been so oblivious to Earth’s warning that it has come this far? More tsunamis, more landslides, more famine, more causalities? The long-term consequences to Man could stretch even further if man does not take action now.
In his inspirational message, Atty. Camarista reminds us that, “Climate change is a direct change to climate. Global warming and climate change impacts have been caused by human activity today. We should campaign and commit a green act for Mother Earth, and encourage family, relatives, friends, and office mates.”
In the smallest ways, the most common of places in our own communities heed to recognize the importance of celebrating Earth Day. Our grocery stores for example support using the green tote bag to fill our groceries with instead of bringing home plastic or paper bag. Even Boysen paint buckets insist on re-using their buckets to refill with paint featuring a large hint that says “recycle.”

For the second time around and at the same venue at Robinsons food court, Eco Populi Incorporated again heads the event Earth: Pieces of Hope. It aimed to advocate what role Man could play to better our environment that emphasized with the theme, Act of Green.
Like last year, a digital art contest was open to all artists, however the theme this year was made to show different interpretations of what acts of Man is a guide towards a hopeful future for Mother Earth. Last April 22, 2010, contestants displayed what they created on digital effects and represented what they each think of our Earth today. With technology now, they were able to artistically create and interpret the outlook of Mother Earth from their eyes. (To be continued)