An Escape to Brazil

My going to Brazil, my escape to a foreign land for a noble cause will surely bring me back to my purpose in life — to be a steward of God’s creations.
I have been dreaming to see once again lush, verdant forests, seas teeming with fishes, garbage-free streets and serene surrounding, is there still hope that I will see such magnificent beauty, again?
Yes I will, in God’s time!
Why did I say yes? I may be young and small in size, but I have big ideas on how to save Mother Earth from its present state. My solution–an escape to Brazil for a noble cause, because fortunately, I am one of the members of Team Philippines joining the Children and Youth Summit on saving the Earth in Brasilia, Brazil, this coming June 5-12, 2010.
Let me have a flashback of how I did it. It was early in October when I was asked to join a group of Josephians (students of St. Joseph School) to attend a regional elimination at El Grande Hotel (formerly known as Centennial Hotel) in Alta Tierra, Jaro, Iloilo City. It was not planned, I was pulled out from class, because our chosen participants did not qualify to the age requirement, that is to be 14 years old only by June 2010. By sheer luck, I discussed a PowerPoint presentation that I just learned a few minutes before my final delivery to the delight of my audience. So I passed the elimination round. The facilitator told me, I’m bound to Brazil already because this is the Visayas elimination.
However, just this February, I was called to Manila to present the same topic. But to my surprise, there were 12 of us and only 4 will be chosen to comprise the Team Philippines in going to Brazil. Their reason of bringing only 4 instead of 8 as presented before is that they lack funds. Well, I was not prepared, I only brought my USB, my mom who accompanied me told me that, if going to Brazil is my destiny, then it will happen but if the opportunity does not knock on my door then God has in store something else for me in the future.
But I emerged victorious, my only weapon — I speak English fluently (thanks to St. Joseph School’s speak English rule) unlike my other contenders who speak in their native tongues. Together with me in going to Brazil are students coming from the public schools, one from Mati, Davao the other one from Puerto Princesa, Palawan and the last one from Jipapad, Samar.
Our trip to Brazil is free. All expenses paid for by the National Association of Secondary Schools of the Philippines (NASSPHIL), UNESCO, DepEd and DENR. I, being a member of Team Philippines will be joining the other children and youth of the world ages 12-14 in a conference which aims to find ways and means to alleviate Mother Earth’s agony. In that 5-day conference, we will discuss what the youth can do in preserving the only planet we have.
By now, I would like to think that it was my dream of having again a glimpse of Mother Nature in abundance which brought me to another dream — that is to be of service to mankind. My going to Brazil, my escape to a foreign land for a noble cause will surely bring me back to my purpose in life — to be a steward of God’s creations.