Keziah’s inner leader

The possibility that she could influence and inspire people made her more responsible with her actions.
“Work smarter, not harder. We should work hard but we should know how to do it so that we could work for it.”
So is the thinking of Keziah Huelar, 17, Journalism student of WVSU-College of Mass Communications. She was named after “Cassia,” a type of perfume that smells like cinnamon. She is the only daughter of Benjamin and Amalia Huelar.
She attended her grade school at Inter Faith Christian Fellowship Christian School (ICFCS) where she graduated as Third Honors with awards as Dancer of the Year, athlete of the Year and Best in Writing.
Her secondary education was spent at Alpha Crest Christian Academy for her first and second years. Her junior and senior years were spent at Dingle National High School. Keziah graduated as Second Honorable Mention. PGMA Award for Culture and Arts, Leadership Award and PPSK Award were among the recognitions given to her.
“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education,” an excerpt from Mark Twain, is one of the much loved lines of Keziah. Learning inside a classroom is good but for her it does not end in those four walls. For her, being exposed to outside activities is a source of great and fun experience.
On her first year in college, she already made the College of MassCom proud of her. Some recent achievements she bagged were in the State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) contest held at Silay City, Negros Occidental last 2009 where she landed on the 2nd place spot for Extemporaneous Speaking and Ms. COPRE 2009 during the College Press Conference (COPRE) organized by the Philippine Information Agency, Region 6. COPRE is a yearly gathering of writers and college editors which appraise their learning from Development Journalism seminar. What made her win the search is her compelling answer on the question, “What would be the world without humans?” and she answered, “Carbon dioxide emission will get little and that the balance of the world will definitely be broken.”

For this year, Keziah is a delegate to the JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) Programme in Japan as one of the Ambassadress of the Philippines since May 12, 2010. The JENESYS Programme was for youths with strong leadership skills who will interact with youth leaders from ten ASEAN countries. Filipino youths that will be sent there will promote the culture of the Philippines; in exchange they will be learning the culture of the Japanese people.
Keziah is also the newly elected chairperson of the Young Journalist Society, an organization of Journalism major student of WVSU.
“The day I love irresponsibility was the day I became responsible.” Her achievements made her realize the importance of responsibility. The possibility that she could influence and inspire people made her more responsible with her actions.
Keziah keeps her feet on the ground. She makes mistakes as well, for she is all but human.
“Life without mistakes is not a life at all; it will only be a dream. I realize I would not be human if I don’t have mistakes in life. I learned how to limit myself that it made me realize what to do and not do.”