DOT expects more Chinese tourists this year
The alleged maltreatment of Chinese national by Malaysian authorities has affected Chinese arrivals to Malaysia by 48% for the period January-August 2005 compared to the same period last year.
This report is contained in a letter sent by Department of Foreign Affairs to DOT Manila. The rift created by this situation is seriously threatening to diminish Malaysia's competitiveness in China's outbound tourism market.
This stemmed from a documented case of four Chinese female tourists who were ordered by Malaysian police to squat naked resulting to a strong sentiments in China against Malaysia and its legal system.
For its part, Malaysia and their senior officials including Prime Minister Badawi, have issued an apology to the Chinese government. The Malaysian government is being asked to explain on reports of alleged profiling and harassment of Chinese women below 35 years old, and other unwarranted practices of Malaysian police against Chinese detainees and offenders.
This issue is further eroding Malaysia's effort to attract Chinese travelers, therefore, swaying decisions of potential tourists and shaping public impressions on these countries.
The impact of this report has important implications for the Philippines as it relates to our own efforts of attracting Chinese tourists to our region.
According to Dir. Edwin G. Trompeta, this is an opportune time to further enhance our promotional efforts to get a bigger chunk of Chinese tourists to our country, he said. Chinese nationals have a special place in the Philippines since most of them if not all have relatives in our country.
The Department of Tourism is encouraging our tourism industry partners and other government institutions to continue our efforts to maintain a Chinese-friendly environment to ensure a memorable and enjoyable stay of Chinese nationals in our country.
For 2006, Chinese arrivals is expected to grow as the Department of Tourism is intensifying its promotion and marketing efforts to attract Chinese to come and visit the Philippines. (DOT Region VI)