Hopevale pilgrimage and medical mission
CEH doctors and nurses and FCC
clinical coordinators assist in the
medical and dental mission.
Roxas City --- In celebration of the 104th Foundation of Filamer Christian College and the Centennial Foundation of Capiz Emmanuel Hospital, both institutions jointly held the Hopevale Pilgrimage Trip and Medical Mission in Tapaz, Capiz. These activities were conceived as homage to the 14 American Baptist missionaries and two American citizens who were massacred by the Japanese Imperial soldiers at Hopevale, Aglinab, Tapaz, Capiz in 1943.
Filamer Christian College (FCC) and Capiz Emmanuel Hospital (CEH) are living legacies of the American Baptist Mission in Capiz. One of the 14 martyrs was Dr. Frederick Meyer , a former administrator of Capiz Emmanuel Hospital who also wrote the early history of Capiz. Despite of the order that they should go home because of the war, these Americans refused to leave their mission and eventually offered their lives when they were caught by the enemies.
CEH doctors and nurses and FCC clinical
coordinators assist in the medical and
dental mission
When Hopevale (evacuation site) fell to the Japanese hands, they begged the Japanese to free the Filipino captives and instead offered themselves as ransom. To date there is a cross marker on top of the common grave of these martyrs in one of the hills in Hopevale near the place where they were bayoneted to death.
Making this year's Foundation Anniversary Celebration of FCC significant in relation to the theme: FCC @104: Inspired by the Founders' legacy, we journey to Excellence, the FCC Alumni Association, Inc. under the baton of Fernando B. Diaz, Jr. spearheaded the historic journey to Hopevale as a glimpse to FCC and CEH glorious past.
Braving the scorching heat of the sun and muddy trails, about 110 Filamerian alumni, faculty, staff, students, friends, CEH doctors, nurses, aides and some members of the Capiz media trekked the long, winding and mountainous path for two hours to reach the place. That was from the jump-off point –'Crossing Maspasan' along the Tapaz-Calinog highway, since the feeder road was impassable by four- wheeled vehicles except single motorcycles).
The cross marker in honor of the
Hopevale martyrs.
Upon arrival, a special service was held to thank the Lord for His love and faithfulness to these two institutions through the founders and pioneers who offered their lives for a noblest mission; after which the Medical and Dental check-up, medicines and relief goods distribution immediately followed which benefited more or less 70 Hopevale residents (children and adults). Leading the group were Rev. Eliseo F. Fantilaga, FCC BOT Vice Chairman, Jessie H. Contreras, CEH Administrator and some officers of Capiz Kasapulanan of Baptist Churches.