‘He who wins souls is wise’
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” —Edmund Burke
The famous Burke statement above is one of my choice adages. It is despicable that good men have done nothing to oppose evil, but what is more despicable is that some good men have now embraced evil and will in time become evil themselves. I see it in my circle of friends, classmates and relatives, thus the need to write this article.
“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners…” (Ps 1:1 NIV)
Evil is winning because we, the good ones, have sat back, grumbled and cursed but have not acted against it. If you are a good man and I know you are, by all means stand up for what is right, hate what is wrong and oppose graft and corruption. Do not tolerate evil but rather expose it! I am not saying that you condemn, but have nothing to do with them and their dirty deeds.
We are to blame for the proliferation of graft and corruption in our society because our passive and tolerant attitude allowed evil to progress. We hate what is happening but have done nothing. Regretfully, many have agreed that it pays more to be evil than good. “Since crooks get away with corruption and crime all the time, we must as well join them,” they say. But enough is enough, the good men and women must now take an active role in opposing what is wrong in government, society and culture. If we don’t, evil will win over good. Shame on you if you have embraced evil men and have now become evil or are in the process of becoming one! Break loose while you can.
Evil seems to be advancing and winning over good in the Philippines. In the end, however, know that good always triumphs over evil – IF THE GOOD ONES UNITE AGAINST EVIL MEN.
“Tell me who you will vote for” and I will tell you who you are?” Jose Rizal [Underlined, my paraphrase. Literally, “Tell me who your friends are…”)
“Who you are voting for determines what you are.” MC
“Evil company corrupts good men…” Paul to the Corinthians.
Do not allow evil men to insult your intelligence by saying they have done nothing wrong. Where there is smoke there is fire and guilt by association with crooks reveals the real character and integrity of the person. MC
Jesus was seen with the prostitutes and the BIR men of those times, but his purpose was to make them repent, not to become one of them. What is your purpose in affiliating with them? MC
Our children’s future are not in their hands, it is in ours. The right and wrong choices we make concerning our political leaders will affect their destiny. MC
The criteria are not sinless perfection but who among your choice of candidates are the least evil! If the qualifying measure was sinless perfection, only Jesus Christ qualifies, comprendes? Not the lesser evil but the least evil among the candidates.
TO ALL THE GOOD PERSONS OUT THERE, JOIN ME – in reaching out to good people who are embracing evil or have embraced evil already. The good in them can be revived and nourished back to life with the truth. Christ’s truth can set them free, I have seen it happen. All it takes is the boldness and willingness to do it. Christ’s indwelling Spirit is in every Christian (a believer of Jesus Christ) and this Spirit has the power to win over every person’s evil nature. The truth about moral uprightness sets the good nature of the person free from the evil nature that is inherent in every man.
I admire Bayani Fernando’s boldness and daring during the choosing of the Lakas-Kampi Party presidential candidate. He told the party members that if he is president he will fight corruption and go after all the crooks in government. Making such a statement among crooks was not wise but revealed what was in his heart. This story’s moral is, a good man should not join a corrupt political group and expect to be chosen as their leader. What a bummer, but he earned my respect as a morally upright public servant.
As for me and my household, I will continue in my dear father’s legacy of choosing only good men during elections. My prayer is that you the reader will also do the same! Set a good example for your children by voting for good candidates.
The good news is that 60% of the voters for the coming elections are the younger ones. To my surprise, they will not vote for Manny Pacquiao or Willie Revillame if they run for Pres. and VP. Neither will they vote for well known corrupt local and national candidates. Thank God, at long last we now have hope for our beloved country. What about you, who will you vote for?
To the political dynasties, I say, “If your Lolo and Papa were corrupt evil men, break the curse and cut-off that evil bloodline. You are your next generations hope of starting a new breed of morally upright sons and daughters.”
This message is not for bad people but only for the good ones! Repent from your pro-corrupt choices. What happened man? Your Dad and Mom were good persons but what about you? BADMAN and ROBBER ANG KANDIDATO MO, ano ka ba?
To the Councilor “wannabees”, I ask this question. “If it costs you P2M to win as Councilor, how will you get your money back?” If you do not intend to join corruption to get back your P2M, then why run for election?” If you ask people to donate for your campaign, you will be a puppet on a string to serve them. My advice – “Spend the least you can with your own money and present your platform to the people. Tell them you have no money to buy votes but you pledge to stand out for what is right and serve the people if elected into office.” The voters are much smarter than you think, you can win. Do not embrace evil men and their ways so you will win because if you do, you will lose in the eyes of God and the people.
Do not lose your soul to the devil in your desperate effort to win the elections!
“He that wins souls is wise!” (Proverbs 11:30)
(For comments and feedback, email me at mikecorro@live.com)