Urban poor support for Jamora snowballs
A written covenant of mutual support is undoubtedly much more assuring than just one’s up-and-down edge in the also ever-changing results of questionable surveys.
Already conceded to win in the Class A and B of the population, consisting of key people in business and industry, only Usec. for Water Larry Jamora, among the candidates for Mayor of Iloilo City, has a written covenant of mutual support with various urban poor organizations here.
This covenant was forged between him and these urban poor groups during the launching of his candidacy in November 2009.
At that time, only about 50 of some 100 urban organizations in the city signed in this public covenant. This number has now grown to about 85 organizations, consisting of some 28,000 families.
This increasing number of support of the urban poor in the city for Jamora was revealed by John Nofuente, Iloilo urban poor representative in the Presidential Commission for Urban Poor (PCUP).
“I am amazed by this development,” Nofuente said, “I am sure though that this developed because of Usec Jamora’s show of aggressive support for them on their present problems that have stirred to action the various concerned agencies and the recent purchase by the PCUP of a 1.5 hectare lot in Lanit, Jaro for their socialized housing.”
These urban poor groups are now in the forefront of the campaigns of Jamora in the various districts of Iloilo City , providing him a solid base for a soaring take-off to election day on May 10, 2010.
Aside from the urban poor, Jamora’s candidacy has been further boosted by the enthusiastic support of the youth sector who are conducting their own volunteer efforts to campaign for Jamora. Likewise, then transport sector – tricycle drivers, trisikad drivers, as well as jeepney and taxi drivers, are going all out in their support for Jamora not only in protest against the repressive policies being implemented by the city government but also because of Jamora’s leadership qualities and his well-laid plans for the city.