PIOs tapped to boost transparency program
The government needs Public Information Officers (PIOs) who will strengthen the present administration’s goals, particularly the goal to have a transparent government.
Philippine Information Agency Regional Director Lawyer Janet Mesa said President Benigno Simeon Aquino III is serious in his resolve to rid the government of corrupt officials making the role of PIOs doubly important.
Mesa stressed that information officers should go into development communication and also real time reporting of government programs and projects including during times of disasters and calamities.
Through their information dissemination activities, PIOs can make the government transparent to the people and the people to the government, she said.
PIOs should take their media work seriously as many people tend to think that the success of a program can be traced to the effective publicity PIOs conducted.
To gain the full support of their superiors and mayors, they should be effective in their job as those who are not performing well end up given support “grudgingly.”
More than a hundred PIOs recently joined the three-day Regional Communications Training at Westown Hotel in Iloilo city, recently.*PIA6