Human Life International and breast cancer
Human Life International recently held a press conference at Hotel del Rio. There, Dr. Rene Josef Bullecer, who specializes in infectious diseases and a proponent of Human Life International in the Philippines, presented a finding by the World Health Organization that oral contraceptives can cause cancer to humans and that 599,000 deaths yearly are due to breast cancer.
He also cited several problems that can occur with the use of the estrogen pills, like loss of sex drive, headaches, acne, weight gain, vaginal infections, depression and gall bladder diseases.
He suggested that if smoking companies put a warning sign on their products, perhaps makers of the Pill should also indicate “Warning: This can cause breast cancer. Take at your own risk,” on their label.
Now, ladies, you have even more reason to shun contraceptives and probably resort to the natural family planning method .. or if you can handle it, abstinence.